I remember being a kid when this movie came out and knew it was about robots, but that was pretty much the extent of my knowledge. After watching it, I think it’s about so many things that I can’t really wrap my head fully around it. There’s the obvious theme, I think, of man overreaching […]

As an avid Perks lover since high school, and a huge Harry Potter/Emma Watson fan, I was really excited when I heard they were doing a film adaptation. Buuuuutttt…….I don’t know if I’m the only one in America who thinks this, but I just don’t really think they nailed it.:/ Certain things were awesome, like […]

As I was trying to think of the most recent adaptation I had seen, Clueless was on my TV. I have always loved this movie since I was little, even though I was only 3 when it came out and around 7 or 8 the first time I saw it and didn’t understand any of […]

In Q & A, it seems that Swarup is sort of criticizing the fake quality of the Bollywood film industry. In Slumdog, that essence is less evident, but I wouldn’t say it’s totally removed. The talk show host, for example, in the film is proof of this. While they’re on air, he is polite and […]

This adaptation, I would think, would be an appropriated adaptation. I really liked how the plot of Dickens’ Oliver Twist was used to appropriate a new context about the racial discrimination in South Africa. They stuck to the plot line pretty well, with the exception of the common omission of Rose Maylie, but with this […]

I thought this adaptation was appropriate enough if only for the fact that it transposed many of the points Dickens was trying to make in the book. For example, it was very evident that the film was criticizing public service workers of that time period, as well as the workhouses. What struck me the most […]

What struck me most about Freaks was how disturbing it really turned out to be. I mean, the short story was disturbing enough, but then the film bothered me even more. It wasn’t so much the fact that all of these deformed and disabled people were being exploited and ridiculed. It was the fact that […]

I’ll go ahead and say that by the end of this movie, I was disturbingly disappointed when Lonesome Rhodes did not in fact fall down a flight of stairs and die. And I also will never be able to watch the Andy Griffith Show in quite the same way ever again. ANYWAY, that being said, […]

When I started to read this book and realized that he literally blinked the entire thing I was more than a little amazed. I mean, I can’t even commit to one type of shampoo long enough for the bottle to run out, much less blinking an entire book. I feel like most people would’ve just […]

This play/movie followed a very similar pattern I find I fall into when having anything to do with Tennessee Williams. That pattern is mostly just me being a little disturbed and wonder why the hell he’s doing what he’s doing, and what that means to me as a reader…or just as a human being really. […]